Fresno County Sheriff Margaret Mims Explains Her Stance on Enforcement of CA COVID-19 Guidelines

Each county sheriff and city police chief must make decisions about if and how they are going to be involved in the enforcement of the state orders and guidelines.

We all have the same authority, and even though the Fresno County Sheriff’s Office has concurrent jurisdiction in our cities, we do not have the resources to provide these services for them. We have all been encouraging voluntary compliance. The Fresno County Public Health Department is working directly with Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) if a bar in Fresno County is non-compliant and does not voluntarily comply. This is the correct enforcement agency for this purpose.

The governor of California is correct in urging voluntarily compliance, rather than strict enforcement of these guidelines. Wearing a mask has been identified as an effective way to stop the spread of this virus. I strongly recommend wearing a mask and I am encouraged to see more and more people doing so.

Details Tony Botti Jul. 2, 2020 @ 12:34pm