Partnership Buy-in Agreement: Everything You Need to Know

Partnership buy-in agreement is a contract between the partners in a business detailing what happens to the ownership equity after a partner exits the company. 3 min read updated on November 11, 2020

Partnership buy-in agreement, also known as buy-sell, is a contract between the partners in a business detailing what happens to the ownership equity after a partner exits the company. It is important to note that a partnership buy-in is legally binding on all partners, making it essential to understand the terms before signing.

The Importance of a Buysell Agreement/Buyout Agreement

A buy-sell agreement or buyout agreement helps partners in a business plan for the future exit of a partner from the enterprise. A buyout agreement helps to prevent misunderstandings over ownership if a partner wants to leave the business, gets divorced, or dies.

What Is a Buysell Agreement?

A buy-sell agreement, also known as a buyout agreement is a contract entered into by business partners to manage future ownership issues and partnership change. Despite the name, a buy-sell agreement is not concerned with buying or selling a partnership business. A buyout agreement is legally binding and can be drafted as a standalone document or as part of the partnership agreement.

A buyout agreement should cover the following business decisions:

A buyout agreement is like the business equivalent of a prenuptial agreement. It prepares the partners for future eventualities even though they hope for the business to exist perpetually.

Events That Trigger a Buyout Option

Many events can trigger a buyout option. They include:

Why Do You Need a Buyout Agreement

A buyout agreement is essential for several reasons, which include:

The "ABCs" of Buysell Agreements

Most long-term partnerships usually fail to consider the fate of the business if a partner experiences a life-changing event. For instance, what happens to the company if a partner had an accident and suffered permanent disability?

Generally, the interest of a deceased partner passes on to his/her heir if there is no written plan on what to do. However, the deceased's heirs such as the children or spouse usually lack experience or interest in becoming a partner in the business. This makes it essential to compensate for the exiting partner's family adequately while still running the business smoothly.

In the absence of a written succession plan agreed upon by all the partners, the matter may become a legal struggle that will cost you vast amounts of money, and in some cases the business. Most partners would instead choose their partners than leaving the fate of their business to outsiders.

Buy-sell agreements often cover the "four Ds" including death, disability, divorce, and departure of a partner. However, the contract can also touch on other circumstances that can result in the departure of a partner such as resignation, retirement, expulsion, and third party sale.

Some people use their estate plan to distribute partnership interests before their demise. However, this is not advisable for the following reasons:

If you need more information about the partnership buy-in agreement, you can post your legal need on UpCounsel's marketplace. UpCounsel accepts only the top 5 percent of lawyers to its site. Lawyers on UpCounsel come from law schools such as Harvard Law and Yale Law and average 14 years of legal experience, including work with or on behalf of companies like Google, Menlo Ventures, and Airbnb.