Carers claim form centrelink

What payment are you claiming for this care receiver

Carer Payment provides financial support to people who are unable to work in substantial paid employment because they provide full time daily care to someone with a severe disability, medical condition, is frail or aged.

Carer Allowance is a fortnightly income supplement for parents or carers providing additional daily care and attention to an adult or dependent child with a disability, medical condition, is frail or aged. Carer Allowance is not income and assets tested, is not taxable and can be paid in addition to wages, Carer Payment or any other income support payment.

Income Support Payment

An Income Support Payment is a pension or benefit, like Youth Allowance, Newstart Allowance or Age Pension, paid by Services Australia or the Department of Veterans' Affairs. Income Support Payments do not include family assistance payments such as Family Tax Benefit Part A, Family Tax Benefit Part B, Child Care Benefit or Child Care Rebate.

Income Support Payment may include the following:

Social Security Benefits:

Social Security Pensions:

Reference number

Centrelink Reference number format is 9 digit and 1 letter.

DVA file numbers are in the following alpha numeric format.

Is this child your dependent child

You have a legal responsibility, alone or together with another person, for the day-to day care, welfare and development while care receiver is in your care OR

Care receiver is not a dependent child of someone else under the previous point AND care receiver is wholly or substantially in your care

Do you provide personal care and attention to the care receiver

Care and attention refers to the requirement that you provide some additional care and attention to care receiver because of their disabilities and/or medical condition/s.

Personal care refers specifically to the help you provide with the basic activities of daily living. These activities may relate to the bodily functions or to sustaining the life of the person you care for. This includes supervising and/or prompting them to undertake these activities.

Personal care includes activities such as:

Personal care does not include activities such as:

Do you provide personal care in care receiver's home for a significant period each day (e.g. equal to a normal working day)

The care may be active, supervisory or monitoring. To provide care on a daily basis for a significant time, a carer should reasonably be expected to provide at least the equivalent of a normal working day in personal care (a normal working day does not limit the hours from 9am to 5pm).

Personal care refers specifically to the help you provide with the basic activities of daily living. These activities may relate to the bodily functions or to sustaining the life of the person for whom you care for. This includes supervising and/or prompting them to undertake these activities.

Personal care includes activities such as:

Personal care does not include activities such as:

Do you provide personal care and attention to the care receiver

You may qualify for Carer Payment if:

For example: Betty and Bill are separated and have a parenting plan for their 2 children who each have a severe disability or severe medical condition. The plan shows that Betty cares for daughter Cathy 70% of the time and son James 30% of the time. While Betty is caring for Cathy, Bill is caring for James and while Betty is caring for James, Bill is caring for Cathy. At all times, both Betty and Bill have a child in their care, so they are eligible for Carer Payment (child).

Does care receiver stay overnight or longer with another person/organisation

Temporary Care:
e.g. spends night(s) with an organisation, or with another person not living with you or in respite care

Shared Care:
e.g. You share the care of the care receiver with another person (other than your current partner who lives with you)

Education, training or treatment other than hospital:
E.g. spends one or more 24 hour periods from midnight to midnight at a training centre, hostel, boarding school or therapy centre.

Does the care receiver stay overnight or longer with another person/organisation for temporary care

e.g. spends night(s) with an organisation, with another person not living with you or in respite care

Does the care receiver stay overnight or longer with another person/organisation for Shared Care

e.g. You share the care of the care receiver with another person (other than your current partner who lives with you)

Does the care receiver stay overnight or longer with another person/organisation for Education, training or treatment other than hospital.

E.g. spends one or more 24 hour periods from midnight to midnight at a training centre, hostel, boarding school or therapy centre.

Do you provide care for care receiver while they are in hospital

You are involved in the personal care of care receiver, or involved in the person's rehabilitation and you visit on a daily basis

Has care receiver temporarily been out of your care in the last 12 weeks.