New College of Employment Services Course Focuses on Path from School to Adulthood

The ICI partners with the University of Minnesota and Elsevier Publishing to produce the DirectCourse College of Employment Services, or CES. This suite of online courses allows disability support professionals to build their skills in supporting their clients to find fulfilling community employment.

The latest CES course is titled “Transition: Preparing for a Seamless Move from School to Adult Life.”

​”The expectation should be that every student is leaving high school with a job or a plan for post-secondary education,” said Dr. Sheila Fesko, who leads the ICI team that creates the CES courses. “We know that successful transition begins long before the last year in high school, and involves setting high expectations early in a child’s life. This course offers practical information and resources for employment professionals to support this important process.”

The new course has 6 lessons:
Lesson 1: Federal Policies Addressing Transition
Lesson 2: Building Expectations of Youth, Families, and Teachers
Lesson 3: Assessing to Plan for College and Work
Lesson 4: Coordination and Collaboration for Student Success
Lesson 5: Work Experiences: The Essence of Employment Preparation
Lesson 6: Think College

DirectCourse content is based on best practices and the courses are reviewed by experts in the field.


Institute for Community Inclusion
UMass Boston
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Boston, Massachusetts 02125
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