Espc and pcsm cumberland county conservation district application

Cumberland County
Conservation District
310 Allen Road, Suite 301
Carlisle, PA 17013-9101
Fax 717-240-7813
[email protected]

Erosion and Sedimentation Control
and NPDES Programs
Click here for pictures.

NEW! NPDES Permit applications are available on DEP's website at .

Powerpoint presentations from the recent Chapter 102 Regulation training

The core of the District programs is the erosion and sedimentation control (E&S;) and stormwater management program. The emphasis of the program is the conservation of soil and water resources. The District administers the E&S; program through a signed delegation agreement with the PA Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). Cumberland County is a level three county in the delegation. It requires us to investigate complaints, process permits, conduct education programs for the regulated community and conduct informal enforcement hearings for earthmoving sites that are unable to achieve voluntary compliance for violations to the Act. As the County continues to experience economic growth, it becomes increasingly important to make sure that resources are protected according to the regulations. Due to intensifying development pressure and greater awareness for environmental protection, the E&S; program continues to be one of the District's most demanding programs. Through the program, the District reviews and determines if the E&S; control plans for earthmoving sites are adequate. Once earthmoving has begun inspections of these sites are conducted to assure the plans are properly implemented and the Best Management Practice (BMP's) are installed and maintained as required. By doing this, the District strives to meet its goal of minimizing accelerated erosion and sediment pollution to the waters of the Commonwealth as a result of earthmoving activities. (See Cumberland County Strategic Plan)

The District also administers the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Program. Under this program, all earthmoving activities proposing to disturb one acre or more of land are required to obtain a permit. The permit consists of an application, erosion control plan, post construction stormwater management plan which includes a long term operation and maintenance plan for all permanent BMP's.

There are two types NPDES permits: General and Individual. Sites located in an exceptional value or high quality watershed as found in Chapter 93, Water Quality Standards or certain activities in watersheds determined to be impaired must apply for the individual permit. Other projects are eligible to use the general. See DEP guidance for more specific details.

NPDES Permit Links
NPDES permit information on DEP's website
All documents are provided in Adobe Acrobat format.


As per the amended Chapter 102 Erosion and Sedimentation Control regulations (January 2000), development of an erosion and sedimentation control plan is required for all earth disturbances of 5,000 square feet or greater, earth disturbances in High Quality or Exceptional Value watersheds or if other DEP permits require it.

Projects with less than 5,000 square feet of earth disturbance are still required to implement and maintain erosion and sedimentation control best management practices (BMPs), however they are not required to develop a written plan.

Persons conducting agricultural plowing and tilling activities are required to develop plans and implement agricultural BMPs, but continue to be exempt from permitting requirements. Any farming activity that does not have a conservation plan or needs an updated plan is encouraged to contact the District.